Thursday, December 1, 2011

Imbroco - Are You My Lion Killer?

Imbroco was formed by members of Mineral, Pop-Unknown, The Impossibles, and The Stereo. Deep Elm super group. This is their only album.

I think I'm going to create a soundcloud account for this blog so I can include a song from each album I'm posting about. Good idea?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

David Bello and His God Given Right - EP

David Bello is a WV artist and my favorite song writer. My will confirm this. This EP contains 6 songs record by his full band, David Bello and His God Given Right, in 2007. The last track "I Will" wasn't included on the original release.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Zebras & Bulls Fight Tonight! - Gorilla's Chest

Weird emo from South Jersey. Reminds me of Joan of Arc. Horns and shit. So good. Apparently this is the cover.

The Common Cold - Bleep... Bleep... Bloop

The Common Cold were a boston math-rock trio that existed from 2000-2004.  This is their second and final full length. I've been trying to track down their first full length for years after losing the disc long long ago. This CD was purchased for $0.16 on 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Brava Spectre - The Hands, The Water, The Hands that Occupy the Water

Brava Spectre are a noise rock band from CT. They've been called be-bop metal. I like that, but not sure what it means. (Reads wikipedia article on be-bop), ok that makes sense. Drummer Mega Steve is also in a band with a really long name. This is their hour long full length.


Live: Amherst, MA 2009

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ganger - Canopy

Late 90's instrumental rock from Glasgow, Scotland. Members went on to form Aereogramme. Solid 5 song EP on Merge Records.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Threadbare - Feeling Older Faster

Crushing 90's post-hardcore from Minneapolis. There are emo vibes, there are metal vibes, there is a dude who went on to be in Snapcase. I think I might like this too much.

The Living City - Demo

2011's best demo. 3 thick emo jams. From MA with Members of Vaccine and L'Antietam. Reminds me of Elliot sometimes but that isn't very accurate.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Minus Tide - The Rock Autopsy Has Begun

Debut EP released in 2002. WV based "sci-fi metal" sounding something like Converge meets Iron Maiden. I think I saw this band nearly 30 times while in high-school. Formed after the break up of Killed at Camp and Horns to the Matador.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Harriet The Spy & Three Studies for a Crucifixtion - Split

Released in '97 on Donut Friends. Harriet The Spy play an interesting blend of dissonant emo / post punk with nods to Fugazi. Three Studies for a Crucifixtion play wild noisy experimental emo/hardcore. Both bands were from Ohio. HTS shared a member with Party of Helicopters (arguably the best band ever). This 7" is now at the very top of my non-existant "want" list. Also, the song title "This Music Festival Sucks" is the best song title.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sometree - Clever, Clever Where is Your Heart

Thick as fuck emo with 90's vibes from Denmark. Dude's got a really cool voice too. I've found little info on the release of this album other than the ID tags claiming it came out in 1998. Below is a video for a song not on Clever, Clever...

Sore Eyelids - S/T

Reverb drenched croony swing-beat post-punk-ish emo from Sweden featuring members of Suis La Lune. Released in 2009.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Softies - It's Love

The Softies, a Northern California-based all-female pop band featuring members of Go Sailor and Tiger Trap, play refreshing pop songs without drums or bass, just two electric guitars. This isn't your typical tepid singer-songwriter fare though, the songs are smart and well-crafted and the lead guitar is really fucking cool.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Enzuigiri - Tour CD-R

Rough mixes of their upcoming 7". 3 songs but only 2 tracks? So good.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dads - Brush Your Teeth ;)

Dads are 2 sweethearts / assholes from NJ who may or may not have done ecstasy recently. Noodly emo twinkle daddy. Scott claims they try to be a "wussier Kidcrash". This EP came out right now. It is available as a self released cassette.

Planes Mistaken for Stars - S/T

Released in 1998. Highly recommended for anyone getting into emo / post-hardcore now. I've never really heard anything that sounds like this record. Including the rest of the PMFS discography.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Enzuigiri - s/t

Enzuigiri are a 3 piece hardcore punk band from WV with epic and spacey parts. Live, this band fucking slays. Included here are the 3 songs from the 7" and their track "Skeletal Path" from the Enzuigiri / Bombs Away! split tape. Sometimes I think this band sounds a lot like Funeral Diner. They have a new 7" coming out soon on Man of 1000 Masks.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Clippers - An Evening With The Clippers

Just got back from tour with The Clippers. Best dudes ever. Boston pop rock trio with minimal noodly riffs. Available as a 3" mini CD from PRGNT Records. They have a split 7" with Coping from Chicago coming very soon from Topshelf Records (aka Hot Tub Records)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Milk Music - Beyond Living

Poignant driving grungy punk with THICK guitar tone. From Olympia, WA.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Young Widows - Split Series

Here are the 4 tracks from Young Widows' 2009 split 7" series. The 4 splits were with Bonnie Prince Billy, Melt Banana, My Disco, and Pelican.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sundials - Never Settle

Debut full length. Richmond, VA pop punk trio. This band is fantastic. LP coming soon from Toxic Pop Records.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glendale - Matchbox Martyr

Ex members of Lincoln and Donora. 1994 Emo / post hardcore. This was their only release.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baton Rogue - Fragments D'eux Memes

Baton Rogue is an emo band from France. This record is really intense and pretty, and I've been listening to it a ton. The songs are short, and the lyrics are sung, not screamed; surprising, considering the majority of the people in this band used to play in Daitro. An early favorite from 2011, for sure.


(Sorry for not bothering with the accents in the band name/album title. Fuck it)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Devil - Magister Mundi Xum

Think Black Sabbath, Pentagram,Witchfinder General, St. Vitus.
Not sold?
Look at their fucking name!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tin Kitchen - Grace EP

All-female emo/indie trio from New Brunswick, NJ. Pre-Football, Etc and Little Lungs, doing that 90's emo revival thing, but maybe before everyone that it was cool? My band played one of its first shows with Tin Kitchen and I recently unearthed this CD-R, which was recorded with a dude from Rainer Maria.